Wednesday, January 21, 2015


     As I mentioned in a previous post, I want to start dying this year. My mom sent me this Jacquard dye kit from Knitpicks. As soon as Spring has sprung I'm going to try it in the backyard. In the meantime, however, I am more concerned with undying, my hair that is, because it's not working for me and it has me a little freaked out. For all my wild thing tendencies I'm actually on the conservative side when it comes to things like hair (natural looking) tattoos (none) and piercings (one in each ear). Having ruled out a drastic, do-it-yourself solution, I figure there has to be a way to tone this down. Sure enough, there's a whole Wikihow on how to fade hair dye. That means I have to go jump in the shower and start scrubbing while they dye is still fresh. We'll see how it goes, but hopefully by tomorrow I'll be looking more humanoid.
     I went to listen to Fiberhooligan, which of one of my favorite podcasts. I'm about 5 episodes behind and accidentally clicked on the latest one, only to hear that it's the final episode. I couldn't believe it. I haven't listened since the beginning but there's 70 episodes. Listening to Benjamin is like spending an hour with the nicest person you know. He has this very soothing, mid-west manner that really takes the edge off in LA traffic. I'm sure one I listen to these last episodes I'll find out the story, but it's one podcast I'll definitely miss.

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