Saturday, January 24, 2015

First theatre of the year

     Last night I went to see the opening night of the latest production at my old theatre company, City Garage

This was a really entertaining play with wonderful performances all around. I first joined the company in 1999 and did several productions with them before motherhood made long hours of rehearsals...tricky. I've stayed to close to the company though and try to see every production. They've always had a very particular style in terms of visuals and movement, and both were on display in extraordinary fashion in this piece. Like many of their productions, I predict it will be in for some critical love. Congrats to everyone involved.
     I had gotten to Bergamot Station early so that I could hang out and see some art at one of the many galleries there that always seems to be having an opening. To my surprise I couldn't find anything, though there is usually something on the schedule. This arts complex is in a state of transition, as half of it has been demolished in order to make room for the light rail line. I am all in favor of mass transit, but this is a really unique place and the future of it is in question. City Garage was pushed out of its long-time home, which was at one time an actual city garage located off the 3rd St. Promenade. I think it's some kind of storage facility now. Go figure. They then moved to a space at Track 16 gallery, which was among those demolished, then moved across the way. Track 16 has moved to Culver City. I still get emails from them, and am planning to go to one of their Tuesday night play readings starting February 17. The first one up is a comedy called The Latest Mrs. Schiller. Tickets are free and can be reserved on their site. I will try to bring them men with me but they will probably balk.
     Speaking of men, I noticed that my 12 year old son is so blithely unconcerned about what others think of him that he has no problem walking around town in full-on ballet tights, which he does because he's so typically male that he's too lazy to change into pants before and after class.

     On the crafty side of things, tomorrow starts spirit week over at the Craftsy blog.

It looks like a week of giveaways and such. You can subscribe receive notifications about entries each day. Lots of fun stuff over on the blog.
     In the spirit of this, I'd like to do my first giveaway! I have 3 skeins of lovely Manos burning hole in my stash. 

    It's Wool Classica in #37 brown. I've worked with Manos before and it's great, although I don't get to use a lot of these rustic wools in LA. If you'd like to win, please subscribe to my blog, follow me on Google+ or leave a comment to this post. The contest will close midnight PST on Jan. 31. Good luck!


  1. What a generous offer! It looks like an interesting yarn.
    Elky on Ravelry

  2. Wow I will be following your blog and what a great giveaway. Sandee8908 on Ravelry.

  3. I've knit with this yarn before (for my husband) and it's so soft! Would love the chance to knit myself something from it! Thanks! alisonj on Rav

  4. This would be great knit into a manly hat. Great giveaway! Loveofcuteness on Rav.

  5. What a generous giveaway! Thanks, Sumac on rav

  6. Just added you to my ever-growing list of RSS feeds! Would love to try some Manos. Thanks for the giveaway! Rav amchart

  7. Dianaflorence on ravelry

  8. This color would be great for a man's scarf or hat. Thanks for the generous giveaway. knittingdancer on Ravelry

  9. Thanks so much for the generous giveaway.

    sherryglover1 on RAV

  10. Glad to find your new blog!

    tktl on ravelry

  11. Doesn't that look like a warm option for a nice hat!! or scarf... hmmm - so many options! Love the color. Ravelry: afamilytreehouse

  12. Love the post, thank you for the wonderful giveaway opportunity, and I love that I just found out about craftsy on your blog. I still feel so new to crafting, and I'm still learning about new crafty websites everyday it feels like lol

  13. Saw your blog via ravelry and glad I stopped to check it out! I'm blossomacres on Ravelry.

  14. Thanks for the give away.
    wahoomerry on Ravelry

  15. Thanks for the giveaway! That yarn looks so cozy!!!

    Rav: PonchySue

  16. Hi! This is gorgeous yarn! Thanks. :-)
    ~ BrownChicken on Rav

  17. Lovely yarn! Thanks for the chance to win ☺

    RubyNeedlesDesign on Ravelry

  18. Thanks for the chance to win some lovely yarn! Mamagiff on ravelry

  19. What a great giveaway!
    I am TempusMori on Ravelry. Thanks!

  20. That is gorgeous yarn!

    (InJuneau is my Rav name too.)

  21. Very rich looking yarn. I would love to win it!
    gussek on Ravelry

  22. Beautiful yarn!! And I am definitely subscribing to your blog!! Best of luck!
    Silvinasi @ Ravelry

  23. Ooh very cool looking yarn! I'm always interested in trying out new yarns, so I'd love to put my name in the hat :) Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.
